• ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室

Real-life Encounters with Creatures


Two primary objectives of science education at the elementary school level are cultivating a love of nature and developing the ability to solve problems. All elementary school students take the subject “Seikatsu-ka”, in which they experience taking care of animals. I decided to give my students the assignment of writing a research report on how their own elementary schools are taking care of their school pets and how they are using those pets for educational purposes. I have been giving this research assignment to my students annually since 1999. To my surprise, some students enclosed in their report a photo of a notice attached to the animal cages which read, “Keep away from this cage! Students responsible for feeding only!” I thought to myself, what is the point of keeping animals if nearly no one can interact with them? Not surprisingly, my students seem to be lacking in memories of seeing their school animals. I thus decided a few years ago to send out questionnaires to all the elementary schools in my prefecture, Okayama, in order to find out how they were taking care of their animals. This research revealed some eye-opening results.
Rabbits – cute and cuddly - are the most popular animals kept at schools here. However, 54 percent of the schools surveyed could not tell whether their rabbits were female or male. As a result, 65 percent were keeping males mixed with females and 91 percent were keeping their rabbits without using any kind of population control treatment. Some schools were keeping as many as 40 rabbits. Since the school teachers do not have the proper understanding of the animals’ behaviors, they are confronted by numerous difficulties. However, what surprised me most was that during the past ten years three students were denied entry when they tried to visit the elementary school from which they graduated. I do not know exactly the reason the students were prevented from seeing the animals, however the schools might be aware of some problems in their dealings with their pets.
The Governmental Educational Council feels keeping animals at schools helps deliver the Heart-Enriching education they wish to give students. At schools, however, numerous problems prevent this from happening: teachers’ lack of knowledge, insufficient financial support for keeping animals, and the burdens of keeping living creatures. These conditions, as well as the current issue of “Bird Flu” make many educators reluctant to keep animals at school.
So when asked the question: “What would make you sadder, the death of a pet at home or the death of a pet at school?, nearly all students reply “a pet at home.” The reason for this reaction simple: the more contact children have with an animal, the more attachment they will feel to it. So yes, rabbits can be good creatures to keep at school, so long as we limit their number to two or three and use suitable population control treatments. Using animals to enrich the hearts of students is good thinking, but the teachers need to be knowledgeable and the students must be able to have contact with the animals.

Seishin Girls’ High School AKIYAMA Shigeharu

  • 投稿者 akiyama : 06:47


第4回高校生両生類サミットを開催  QRコードで申し込み
【交流会のスケジュール】 10:00~10:30 ZOOMへの接続の確認 10:30~10:50 開会行事・ビデオ上映(山脇有尾類研究所の紹介) 10:50~11:20 講義➊日本両棲類研究所所長・篠崎尚史氏 「両生類からの研究の展開」 11:20~11:35 発表① 岐阜県立大垣北高等学校 タイトル:岐阜県に生息する渓流性サンショウウオの生息適地モデルの作成と系統解析 11:35~11:45 …続きを見る
第4回 高校生両生類サミットWeb交流会
目的: ① 女子高校生の理系進学を推進・支援する。 ② ZOOMを使った高校生の科学研究の成果発表を通して、地域を超えた研究交流を行い、理系女子生徒間の友好・仲間意識を深め、全国の理系女子のネットワークの拡充を図る。 ③ 大学や研究所の研究者に、将来のロールモデルとしてメッセージを伝えていただく。 ④ 研究テーマを両生類に絞ることで、深い内容まで踏みこんだアドバイスを行い、高校生の研究レベルの底…続きを見る
Shuttleのベアボーンキットで組み立てた自作機がWin10のままだったので、OSをWin11にアップデートしました。機種は2019年11月9日購入のDH310V2(27,489円)です。4年間使用してきましたが、休憩していました。 Win11へのアップデートか可能かどうかを診断したら、「このPCは現在、Win11システムの要件を満たしていません」表示され、TPM2.0が有効になっている必要があ…続きを見る
このたび山脇学園では、有尾類(イモリやサンショウウオなど両生綱有尾目の生物)に特化した研究機関として「山脇有尾類研究所」を設立しました。 両生類は、環境汚染に敏感なため「環境のカナリア」と呼ばれ、両生類の生息数の減少が地球規模での環境問題に警鐘を鳴らしています。さらに、イモリは再生医療の研究対象として世界的に注目を集めています。 本研究所を設立した目的は、有尾類に関する研究環境を中高生に提…続きを見る
