• ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
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  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室

Evidence for True Fall-Mating in Japanese Newt Cynops pyrrhogaster


ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 28: 758–763 (2011)

Evidence for True Fall-mating in Japanese Newt Cynops pyrrhogaster
Shigeharu Akiyama, Yasuhiro Iwao and Ikuo Miura

The mating season of Japanese newt Cynops pyrrhogaster is generally thought to occur once a year in spring to early summer, during the months of April to June, as in many other Japanese amphibians. However, in fall, from September to October, we often observed breeding colored males demonstrating a mating behavior with females in the field. In this study, in order to identify their true mating season, we anatomically and histologically investigated the annual maturation cycle of gonads and reproductive organs, including cloacal spermathecae in females, and, using a molecular marker, identified the seasonal origins of sperm, which are released in spring to perform insemination. We found that, in fall, ovaries are somewhat immature, while the testes were mature and the sperm already stored in the deferent ducts. Females stored a significant amount of sperm in around 80% of the spermatechae examined in October and 100% in December. When artificially ovulated in March before contact with male partners after hibernation, the females spawned fertilized eggs and these developed normally. Finally, we identified heterozygous genotypes of the visual pigment gene for the two different population types in the embryos, which were derived from a female who established contact with males of the same population in fall and then switched to males from another population until oviposition in spring. We therefore, conclude that the true mating season of this species occurs from fall to early summer, interrupted only by winter, and lasts six months longer (from October to June) than generally believed.

Key words: fall mating, newt, spermathecae, sperm, maturation

  • 投稿者 akiyama : 17:35


第4回高校生両生類サミットを開催  QRコードで申し込み
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第4回 高校生両生類サミットWeb交流会
目的: ① 女子高校生の理系進学を推進・支援する。 ② ZOOMを使った高校生の科学研究の成果発表を通して、地域を超えた研究交流を行い、理系女子生徒間の友好・仲間意識を深め、全国の理系女子のネットワークの拡充を図る。 ③ 大学や研究所の研究者に、将来のロールモデルとしてメッセージを伝えていただく。 ④ 研究テーマを両生類に絞ることで、深い内容まで踏みこんだアドバイスを行い、高校生の研究レベルの底…続きを見る
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